Grab a coffee and start shopping via Twitter? Will you want to shop over Twitter?
Twitter is working on a set of new shopping capabilities that will eventually provide direct, in-stream product listings related to business profiles in the app, allowing Twitter users to store product listings and make purchases directly from tweeted information in the app.
Twitter Purchase Tab
The most recent development in this regard is the addition of a new ‘Purchases’ tab in user profiles, which is now related to the introduction of the app’s Super Follows feature and displays any subscriptions and/or digital tickets purchased in the app.
However, it also suggests that listing product purchases have more potential, as evidenced by Twitter’s broader eCommerce trials.
Purchase In Twitter
Some Twitter users are now seeing a new ‘Purchases’ tab appear in their Twitter functions list; here is where Twitter will show things purchased using the app, which is now not an option but will be soon!
The new product display panels for Professional Profiles, which Twitter is presently testing with a select group of firms in the US, are the first of Twitter’s product listings.
Above the Twitter feed, a new, customisable panel display will allow brands to showcase additional company information, an App Store listing, an image gallery, or a group of products in a Shop carousel on Professional Profiles.
Twitter’s also testing in-tweet product displays, providing another way to drive direct response from your tweet activity.
Will This Work For Twitter
It’s tough to say, but according to prior research, 74% of Twitter users follow brands in the app to remain up to date on the newest product news and developments.
So making a purchase based on such announcements would be a reasonable next step, and with Twitter eager to explore more methods to maximise its monetisation and usage potential, it makes sense for it to continue with this experiment.
It isn’t there yet, but it will be, which could be another important issue to consider when you plan your tweets in the future.